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Golf Tournament Information

October 4, 2024, at Schifferdecker Park
Event Sponsor $2,000
Your banner with your company logo, man a hole on the course (optional), recognition at the event, shown on the web page, and social media mentions.

Hole Sponsorship $100
includes a sign with your company name on one hole on the course and recognition at the event, shown on the web page, and social media mentions.

Cheer Cart Sponsorship - SOLD OUT

Longest Drive & Closest to the Pin $200
includes a sign at the contest location, recognition at the event, on the web page, and social media mentions.
Your company can be on the course at these holes if you sponsor.

Lunch Sponsor - $500
includes your banner with logo by the picnic area, recognition at the event, shown on the web page, and social media mentions.

$100 per player or register as a team
Can be paired on the course
4-Person Scramble
Lunch 11:30 a.m.     Tee Off at 1:00 p.m.
Paying 3 Places CASH  
Cheer Cart
Mulligans Available
Games on the Course

Payment must be received with registration.
Return names and payment BEFORE Sept 30.
Make checks payable to Joplin Historical Society.
P.O. Box 555   Joplin, MO  64802
Contact Dee Ann or Spencer to pay by credit card.

For more information contact:
Dee Ann Lowry  (417) 850-5149
Spencer Layne (417) 825-383

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